So we are officially at 41 weeks today, and Isabella is still sticking in there with no intentions of coming out anytime soon. What is that about? We went to the doctor this morning, and we did an ultrasound and a non-stress test, only to find out that she is perfectly healthy! yea! The frustrating thing is that my body is just not doing anything to get her out. argh. So we finally came to the decision to schedule a c-section for next monday on week 42, and just hope that we go into labor before that. I was strong and brave in the doctor's office as I made the decision, but then I found myself melting down as we got into the car. I spent the afternoon having a pity party. Let's face it, these hormone swings make everything more intense, but mostly I just felt upset with myself, and disappointed that things were not going the way that I wanted, or expected, or whatever. I feel like it is my fault that I can't go into labor like everyone else. I know it's silly, and I know that I can't really do anything about it, but silly and impractical emotional whims seem to be a talent of mine lately. So while I am terrified at the prospect of a c-section, or that all of our kids might end up like this, I have been trying to find an upside so here it goes.
upside to the c-section
1. Her head will not come out all funky
2. No long painful labor with horror stories
3. Longer hospital stay so that other people can change diapers
4. .....
okay, i couldn't think of many, but maybe I will come up with some more soon. and who knows, maybe everything will work itself out before then. Either way, it is good to know that she will be here soon.
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